Installation and Setup

In addition to installing the Python package, there are several additional steps required for ingesting and building indices.


The recommended installation method is to use pip as follows from within the repository root directory after downloading the code or cloning it via git clone:

pip install .

Ingesting Cumulative Indices

One of the two command-line tools installed with pdsc is pdsc_ingest. This tool is used to ingest cumulative index files for PDS observations. The ingestion process constructs databases and index data structures to enable efficient querying of observations by metadata and geometry.

By default, pdsc supports ingesting cumulative index files from the following data products:

  • CTX
  • HiRISE (EDR) [1]
  • HiRISE (RDR)
  • MOC

For information on extending PDSC to support other instruments, see Extending PDSC.

As an example, the most recent cumulative index files for the HiRISE data products can be found here:

The cumulative index files for these instruments consist of a .lbl file and a .tab file. Both files must be present in the same directory, and either file can be specified when ingesting the index:

$ pdsc_ingest cumulative_index.lbl /path/to/generated/index/dir/

It will be necessary to re-ingest new versions of the cumulative index files as new volumes of data are released.

Environment Variables

In order to use the ingested indices, several environment variables can be set to tell pdsc where to look for the files or which server to query (see Running a Server). The variables are:

Variable Name Description
PDSC_DATABASE_DIR Location of the ingested PDS cumulative indices
PDSC_SERVER_HOST Hostname or IP address of PDSC server

If these environment variables are not set, they can be specified as arguments when constructing a client to query metadata.

[1]There is a bug in the HiRISE EDR cumulative index files; some values for the SCAN_EXPOSURE_DURATION column exceed the 9 bytes allocated for that column. The offending values should be modified to bring the data into accordance with the schema before attempting to ingest the index. See Fixing HiRISE EDR Indices for instructions.