Source code for pdsc.ingest

Injests PDS metadata into databases and index structures for quick querying
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import yaml
import sqlite3

from .table import parse_table
from .metadata import PdsMetadata, METADATA_DB_SUFFIX
from .segment import (
    TriSegmentedFootprint, SegmentTree)
from .util import standard_progress_bar

DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR = os.path.join(

    # Label File, Table File
    ('LBL', 'TAB'),
    ('lbl', 'tab'),
The list of valid cumulative index file extension pairs; the first is the
extension of the label file and the second is the extension of the corresponding
table file

[docs]def get_idx_file_pair(path): """ Returns the pair of corresponding LBL and TAB files given the path to one file of the pair. The case of the extension does not matter as long as it is consitent (i.e., all upper-case or all lower-case). The corresponding case and path prefix is assumed for the matching file. >>> get_idx_file_pair('cumindex.lbl') ('cumindex.lbl', '') >>> get_idx_file_pair('CUMINDEX.TAB') ('CUMINDEX.LBL', 'CUMINDEX.TAB') :param path: path to one LBL or TAB file from a pair :return: a pair of paths to corresponding LBL and TAB files """ for l_ext, t_ext in CUMIDX_EXT_PAIRS: if path.endswith(l_ext): return ( path, path[:-len(l_ext)] + t_ext ) elif path.endswith(t_ext): return ( path[:-len(t_ext)] + l_ext, path ) raise ValueError('"%s" not part of any known index pair' % path)
[docs]def store_metadata(outputfile, instrument, table, config): """ Converts and stores metadata into a SQL database file in accordance with configuration, given a PDS cumulative index table :param outputfile: output location for SQL database :param instrument: PDSC instrument name :param table: :py:class:`~pdsc.table.PdsTable` containing parsed metadata :param config: dict containing configuration; the entries used in this function are: - ``scale_factors``: dictionary mapping PDS cumulative index field names to multiplicative scale factors (e.g., for unit conversion) - ``index``: list containing PDSC metadata column names on which to build a SQL index - ``columns``: list of lists; each sub-list corresponds to a column and is a triple containing: - PDS cumulative index field name - PDSC metadata column name - PDSC metadata column type (a valid SQL type) :return: a list of :py:class:`~pdsc.metadata.PdsMetadata` objects associated with every entry in the created metadata table """ scale_factors = config.get('scale_factors', {}) index = config.get('index', []) columns = config.get('columns', []) converted_columns = [ table.get_column(c[0]) if c[0] not in scale_factors else scale_factors[c[0]]*table.get_column(c[0]) for c in columns ] values = zip(*map(lambda a: a.tolist(), converted_columns)) if os.path.exists(outputfile): os.remove(outputfile) with sqlite3.connect(outputfile) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( 'CREATE TABLE metadata (%s)' % ', '.join(['%s %s' % tuple(c[1:]) for c in columns]) ) for idx_col in index: print('Creating index on "%s"' % idx_col) cur.execute( 'CREATE INDEX %s_index ON metadata (%s)' % (idx_col, idx_col) ) cur.executemany( 'INSERT INTO metadata VALUES (%s)' % ', '.join(['?' for _ in columns]), values ) cur.execute('SELECT * FROM metadata') names = [description[0] for description in cur.description] progress = standard_progress_bar('Converting Metadata') return [ PdsMetadata(instrument, **dict(zip(names, v))) for v in progress(cur.fetchall()) ]
[docs]def store_segments(outputfile, metadata, config): """ Segments observations corresponding to each entry in ``metadata``, and stores these segments in a SQL database :param outputfile: output location for SQL database :param metadata: list of :py:class:`~pdsc.metadata.PdsMetadata` objects corresponding to observations to be segmented :param config: dict containing configuration; the entries used in this function are: - ``segmentation``: dictionary containing segmentation-specific parameters: - ``resolution``: the maximum size in meters of a side length in the triangular segmentation of an observation; a good heuristic is the average across-track width of an observation to produce isosceles triangles. - ``localizer_kwargs``: the ``kwargs`` that will be supplied to the :py:meth:`~pdsc.localization.get_localizer` function for determining observation footprints :return: a list of :py:class:`~pdsc.segment.TriSegment` objects for segments across all observations """ seg_config = config.get('segmentation', {}) resolution = seg_config.get('resolution', 50000) localizer_kwargs = seg_config.get('localizer_kwargs', {}) observation_ids = [] segments = [] progress = standard_progress_bar('Segmenting footprints') for m in progress(metadata): try: s = TriSegmentedFootprint(m, resolution, localizer_kwargs) for si in s.segments: segments.append(si) observation_ids.append(s.metadata.observation_id) except (TypeError, ValueError): continue segment_generator = ( (i, oid) + tuple(si.latlon_points.ravel(order='C')) for i, (oid, si) in enumerate(zip(observation_ids, segments)) ) if os.path.exists(outputfile): os.remove(outputfile) with sqlite3.connect(outputfile) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( 'CREATE TABLE segments (segment_id integer, ' 'observation_id text, ' 'latitude0 real, longitude0 real, ' 'latitude1 real, longitude1 real, ' 'latitude2 real, longitude2 real)' ) cur.execute('CREATE INDEX segment_index ON segments (segment_id)') cur.execute('CREATE INDEX observation_index ON segments (observation_id)') cur.executemany( 'INSERT INTO segments VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', segment_generator ) return segments
[docs]def store_segment_tree(outputfile, segments): """ Constructs a ball tree index for segmented observations and saves the resulting data structure to the specified output file. :param outputfile: file to save pickled :py:class:`~pdsc.segment.SegmentTree` :param segments: a collection of :py:class:`~pdsc.segment.TriSegment` objects """ tree = SegmentTree(segments)
[docs]def ingest_idx(label_file, table_file, configpath, outputdir): """ Ingests a PDS cumulative index into PDSC :param label_file: a PDS cumulative index LBL file path :param table_file: a PDS cumulative index TAB file path :param configpath: a configuration file or a directory containing the configuration file with name ``[instrument name]_metadata.yaml`` :param outputdir: the directory into which the ingested SQL databases and index structures will be stored """ instrument, table = parse_table(label_file, table_file) if os.path.isdir(configpath): configfile = os.path.join(configpath, '%s_metadata.yaml' % instrument) else: configfile = configpath if not os.path.exists(configfile): raise ValueError( 'Required config file "%s" does not exist' % configfile ) with open(configfile, 'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) outputfile = os.path.join( outputdir, '%s%s' % (instrument, METADATA_DB_SUFFIX) ) metadata = store_metadata(outputfile, instrument, table, config) outputfile = os.path.join( outputdir, '%s%s' % (instrument, SEGMENT_DB_SUFFIX) ) segments = store_segments(outputfile, metadata, config) outputfile = os.path.join( outputdir, '%s%s' % (instrument, SEGMENT_TREE_SUFFIX) ) store_segment_tree(outputfile, segments)