Source code for pdsc.localization

Contains code that performs "localization," or the mapping between observation
pixel coordinates and real-world latitude/longitude coordinates.

PDSC uses the convention that pixel space coordinates have their origin at the
top left of the image, with the positive :math:`x`-direction corresponding to
increasing columns and the positive :math:`y`-direction corresponding to
increasing rows. Row and column indices start at 0. The mapping from line/sample
to row/column is instrument-specific, but typically lines are rows and samples
are columns.

.. Warning::
    The localization provided by PDSC is not intended to be the most accurate
    localization possible, but rather the most accurate localization achievable
    *using only information available within PDS cumulative index files*.
    Therefore, PDSC localization often relies on assumptions that introduce
    errors whose magnitudes vary across instruments.
from __future__ import division
from future.utils import with_metaclass
import abc
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
from scipy.optimize import fmin
from sklearn.neighbors import DistanceMetric
# Requires geographiclib-1.49
from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic

from .util import registerer, standard_progress_bar

MARS_RADIUS_M = 3396200.
MARS_FLATTENING = 1.0 / 169.8


register_localizer = registerer(LOCALIZERS)
A decorator that can be used to register a class or function that constructs a
localizer to a particular instrument.

:param instrument: PDSC instrument name
:return: decorator that registers target to given instrument

See :ref:`Extending PDSC` for more details.

[docs]def geodesic_distance(latlon1, latlon2, radius=MARS_RADIUS_M): """ Computes the geodesic distance on a spherical body between two points :param latlon1: a pair containing the latitude and east longitude (in radians) of the first point :param latlon2: a pair containing the latitude and east longitude (in radians) of the second point :param radius: the radius (in meters) of the spherical body for which distance is computed (defaults to `mean Mars equatorial radius <>`_) :return: geodesic distance (in meters) between the two given points >>> import numpy as np >>> geodesic_distance((0, 0), (0, np.pi)) 10669476.970121656 """ haversine = DistanceMetric.get_metric('haversine') return float(radius*haversine.pairwise([latlon1], [latlon2]))
[docs]def latlon2unit(latlon): """ Converts a latitude, longitude pair into a vector representing that point on a unit circle :param latlon: a pair containing the latitude and east longitude (in degrees) of a point on a unit sphere :return: the Cartesian coordinates of the point on a unit sphere """ llrad = np.deg2rad(latlon) sinll = np.sin(llrad) cosll = np.cos(llrad) return np.array([ cosll[0]*cosll[1], cosll[0]*sinll[1], sinll[0] ])
[docs]def xyz2latlon(xyz): """ Converts a point in Cartesian coordinates to the latitude and longitude of that point projected onto a unit sphere :param xyz: Cartesian coordinates of a nonzero point :return: latitude and east longitude (in degrees) of the point projected onto a unit sphere >>> xyz2latlon((0, 0, 1)) array([90., 0.]) >>> xyz2latlon((1, 0, 0)) array([0., 0.]) >>> xyz2latlon((0, 0, 0)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Point must be nonzero """ norm = np.linalg.norm(xyz) if norm == 0: raise ValueError('Point must be nonzero') x, y, z = (xyz / norm) return np.rad2deg([ np.arcsin(z), np.arctan2(y, x) ])
[docs]class Localizer(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): """ Base class for all localizers Subclasses need only implement :py:meth:`~pdsc.localization.Localizer.pixel_to_latlon` and the reverse translation :py:meth:`~pdsc.localization.Localizer.latlon_to_pixel` is derived from it. """ BODY_RADIUS = MARS_RADIUS_M """ Radius of the observed body (defaults to `mean Mars equatorial radius <>`_) """ DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_M = 0.1 """ Default resolution (in meters) when optimizing the reverse mapping from latitude and longitude back to pixel coordinates via :py:meth:`~pdsc.localization.Localizer.latlon_to_pixel` """ NORMALIZED_PIXEL_SPACE = False """ If ``True``, pixel coordinates are defined such that (0, 0) is the top left corner of the image and (1, 1) is the bottom right. Otherwise, (0, 0) is the top left and (rows, cols) is the bottom right """ @abc.abstractproperty def observation_width_m(self): """ Total observation width (cross-track) in meters """ pass # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractproperty def observation_length_m(self): """ Total observation length (along-track) in meters """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def pixel_to_latlon(self, row, col): """ Converts pixel coordinates to latitude and longitude coordinates within an observation :param row: image row, starting at 0 at the top of the image :param col: image column, starting at 0 at the left of the image .. Note:: If :py:attr:`~Localizer.NORMALIZED_PIXEL_SPACE` for this localizer is ``False``, then the pixel coordinates range from zero to one less than the number of total rows/columns in the image. Otherwise, the pixel coordinates range from zero to one along each dimension. """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def latlon_to_pixel(self, lat, lon, resolution_m=None, resolution_pix=0.1): """ Converts a latitude and longitude location to pixel coordinates within an observation :param lat: latitude (in degrees) :param lon: east longitude (in degrees) :param resolution_m: the resolution (in meters) when optimizing the mapping from latitude and longitude to pixel coordinates; if ``None``, the value defaults to :py:attr:`~Localizer.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_M` :param resolution_pix: the resolution (in pixels) when optimizing the mapping from latitude and longitude to pixel coordinates :return: the tuple containing the row and column of the specified location to within the stricter of the two resolution requirements """ if resolution_m is None: resolution_m = self.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_M loc = np.deg2rad([lat, lon]) def f(u): loc_u = np.deg2rad(self.pixel_to_latlon(*u)) return geodesic_distance(loc, loc_u, self.BODY_RADIUS) u0 = (0, 0) ustar = fmin(f, u0, xtol=resolution_pix, ftol=resolution_m, disp=False) return tuple(ustar)
[docs]class GeodesicLocalizer(Localizer): """ The :py:class:`GeodesicLocalizer` is a type of localizer that is used when observation locations are described in terms of a center latitude/longitude and a line-of-flight direction. This localizer assumes that along-track pixels in the center column of the observaton roughly follow a geodesic path in the direction of flight and cross-track pixels in each row are perpendicular to this path. """ BODY = Geodesic(MARS_RADIUS_M, MARS_FLATTENING) """ A :py:class:`~geographiclib.geodesic.Geodesic` object describing the target body """ def __init__(self, center_row, center_col, center_lat, center_lon, n_rows, n_cols, pixel_height_m, pixel_width_m, north_azimuth_deg, flight_direction=1): """ :param center_row: the center row of the observation :param center_col: the center column of the observation :param center_lat: the latitude (in degrees) of the pixel at the center of the observation :param center_lat: the longitude (east, in degrees) of the pixel at the center of the observation :param n_rows: the total number of rows in the observation :param n_cols: the total number of columns in the observation :param pixel_height_m: the pixel height (in meters) :param pixel_width_m: the pixel width (in meters) :param north_azimuth_deg: the clockwise angle (in degrees) from a vector that points 90 degrees counter-clockwise from the line-of-flight direction to north :param flight_direction: a multiplicative factor indicating the direction of flight relative to the :math:`y`-direction in pixel space; if ``flight_direction=1``, then the flight direction is from the the top down, whereas ``flight_direction=-1`` indicates a bottom-up direction of flight .. Note:: If :py:attr:`~Localizer.NORMALIZED_PIXEL_SPACE` for this localizer is ``True``, then the pixel coordinates range from zero to one. Consequently, the attributes :py:attr:`~GeodesicLocalizer.n_cols` and :py:attr:`~GeodesicLocalizer.n_rows` are both equal to one, and the attributes :py:attr:`~GeodesicLocalizer.pixel_width_m` and :py:attr:`~GeodesicLocalizer.pixel_height_m` are both the width and height of the *entire* observation. """ if n_rows <= 0: raise ValueError('No image rows') if n_cols <= 0: raise ValueError('No image columns') if pixel_height_m <= 0: raise ValueError('Negative pixel height') if pixel_width_m <= 0: raise ValueError('Negative pixel width') self.center_row = center_row self.center_col = center_col self.center_lat = center_lat self.center_lon = center_lon self.n_rows = n_rows self.n_cols = n_cols self.pixel_height_m = pixel_height_m self.pixel_width_m = pixel_width_m self.north_azimuth_deg = north_azimuth_deg self.flight_direction = flight_direction self._height = None self._width = None @property def observation_width_m(self): if self._width is None: self._width = self.pixel_width_m*self.n_cols return self._width @property def observation_length_m(self): if self._height is None: self._height = self.pixel_height_m*self.n_rows return self._height
[docs] def pixel_to_latlon(self, row, col): x_m = (col - self.center_col) * self.pixel_width_m y_m = (row - self.center_row) * self.pixel_height_m y_m *= self.flight_direction flight_line_point = self.BODY.Direct( self.center_lat, self.center_lon, 90 - self.north_azimuth_deg, y_m ) cross_line_point = self.BODY.Direct( flight_line_point['lat2'], flight_line_point['lon2'], flight_line_point['azi2'] - 90, x_m ) return cross_line_point['lat2'], cross_line_point['lon2']
[docs] def location_mask(self, subsample_rows=10, subsample_cols=25, reinterpolate=True, verbose=False): """ Compute a latitude and longitude for every pixel in an observation (with subsampling/reinterpolation to increase efficiency) :param subsample_rows: only compute location once every this many rows :param subsample_cols: only compute location once every this many columns :param reinterpolate: if subsampling is used, reinterpolate values for skipped pixels :param verbose: if ``True``, display a progress bar :return: a :py:class:`numpy.array` containing the latitude and east longitude (in degrees) along the last dimension for every pixel in the image, modulo subsampling .. Warning:: This function is experimental and the reinterpolation step does not correctly handle discontinuities that arise near the "date line" or the poles. """ nrows = int(np.ceil(self.n_rows // subsample_rows)) ncols = int(np.ceil(self.n_cols // subsample_cols)) progress = standard_progress_bar('Computing Location Mask', verbose) L = np.array([ [self.pixel_to_latlon(r, c) for c in np.linspace(0, self.n_cols - 1, ncols)] for r in progress(np.linspace(0, self.n_rows - 1, nrows)) ]) if reinterpolate: zoom_factor = ( float(self.n_rows) / L.shape[0], float(self.n_cols) / L.shape[1] ) L = np.dstack([ zoom(L[..., 0], zoom_factor, order=1, mode='nearest'), zoom(L[..., 1], zoom_factor, order=1, mode='nearest') ]) return L
[docs]class FourCornerLocalizer(GeodesicLocalizer): """ The :py:class:`FourCornerLocalizer` is a type of localizer that is used when observation locations are described using the latitude and longitude of the four corners of the observation. """ def __init__(self, corners, n_rows, n_cols, flight_direction): """ :param corners: an ordered collection of the four image corners, each a latitude and east longitude pair (in degrees); the order of the corners is: - top left - bottom left - bottom right - top right :param n_rows: the number of rows in the image :param n_cols: the number of columns in the image :param flight_direction: a multiplicative factor indicating the direction of flight relative to the :math:`y`-direction in pixel space; if ``flight_direction=1``, then the flight direction is from the the top down, whereas ``flight_direction=-1`` indicates a bottom-up direction of flight """ if n_rows <= 0: raise ValueError('No image rows') if n_cols <= 0: raise ValueError('No image columns') self.n_rows = n_rows self.n_cols = n_cols self.flight_direction = flight_direction self.corners = np.asarray(corners) self.corner_matrix = np.array([ [latlon2unit(corners[0]), latlon2unit(corners[3])], [latlon2unit(corners[1]), latlon2unit(corners[2])], ]) corners = np.deg2rad(corners) self.pixel_height_m = ( ( geodesic_distance(corners[0], corners[3]) + geodesic_distance(corners[1], corners[2]) ) / (2*n_rows) ) self.pixel_width_m = ( ( geodesic_distance(corners[0], corners[1]) + geodesic_distance(corners[2], corners[3]) ) / (2*n_cols) ) self._height = None self._width = None
[docs] def pixel_to_latlon(self, row, col): # Use bi-linear interpolation C = self.corner_matrix dx = np.array([self.n_cols - col, col]) dy = np.array([self.n_rows - row, row]) interpolated = np.array([,[..., dim], dy.T)) for dim in range(3) ]) / float(self.n_rows*self.n_cols) return tuple(xyz2latlon(interpolated))
[docs]class MapLocalizer(Localizer): """ The :py:class:`MapLocalizer` supports map-projected observations. Specifically, it supports the EQUIRECTANGULAR and POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC projection types used for HiRISE observations. """ MARS_RADIUS_POLAR = 3376200 """ The Mars polar radius used for `HiRISE map projections <>`_ """ MARS_RADIUS_EQUATORIAL = 3396190 """ The Mars equatorial radius used for `HiRISE map projections <>`_ """ def __init__(self, proj_type, proj_latitude, proj_longitude, map_scale, row_offset, col_offset, lines, samples): """ :param proj_type: map projection type :param proj_latitude: projection center latitude :param proj_longitude: projection center longitude :param map_scale: projection map scale (meters) :param row_offset: projection row offset :param col_offset: projection col offset :param lines: total observation lines (rows) :param samples: total observation samples (columns) See for a further description of these parameters. """ self.proj_type = proj_type self.proj_latitude = np.deg2rad(proj_latitude) self.proj_longitude = np.deg2rad(proj_longitude) self.map_scale = map_scale self.row_offset = row_offset self.col_offset = col_offset self.lines = lines self.samples = samples self._width = None self._height = None a = self.MARS_RADIUS_POLAR*np.cos(self.proj_latitude) b = self.MARS_RADIUS_EQUATORIAL*np.sin(self.proj_latitude) self.R = ( (self.MARS_RADIUS_POLAR*self.MARS_RADIUS_EQUATORIAL) / np.sqrt(a**2 + b**2) ) self.cos_proj_lat = np.cos(self.proj_latitude) def _equirect_pixel_to_latlon(self, row, col): x = (col - self.col_offset)*self.map_scale y = -(row - self.row_offset)*self.map_scale return ( np.rad2deg(y / self.R), np.rad2deg( self.proj_longitude + x / (self.R*self.cos_proj_lat) ) ) def _equirect_latlon_to_pixel(self, lat, lon): lat_rad = np.deg2rad(lat) lon_rad = np.deg2rad(lon % 360.) x = self.R*(lon_rad - self.proj_longitude)*self.cos_proj_lat y = self.R*lat_rad row = (-y / self.map_scale) + self.row_offset col = (x / self.map_scale) + self.col_offset return row, col def _polar_pixel_to_latlon(self, row, col): x = (col - self.col_offset)*self.map_scale y = -(row - self.row_offset)*self.map_scale P = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) C = 2*np.arctan(P / (2*self.MARS_RADIUS_POLAR)) lon = np.rad2deg( self.proj_longitude + np.arctan2(x, -np.sign(self.proj_latitude)*y) ) lat = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin( np.cos(C)*np.sin(self.proj_latitude) + y*np.sin(C)*np.cos(self.proj_latitude)/P )) return lat, lon def _polar_latlon_to_pixel(self, lat, lon): lat_rad = np.deg2rad(lat) lon_rad = np.deg2rad(lon % 360.) T = np.tan((np.pi / 4.0) - np.abs(lat_rad / 2.0)) A = 2*self.MARS_RADIUS_POLAR*T x = A*np.sin(lon_rad - self.proj_longitude) y = -A*np.cos(lon_rad - self.proj_longitude)*np.sign(self.proj_latitude) row = (-y / self.map_scale) + self.row_offset col = (x / self.map_scale) + self.col_offset return row, col @property def observation_width_m(self): if self._width is None: self._width = self.samples*self.map_scale return self._width @property def observation_length_m(self): if self._height is None: self._height = self.lines*self.map_scale return self._height
[docs] def pixel_to_latlon(self, row, col): if self.proj_type == 'EQUIRECTANGULAR': return self._equirect_pixel_to_latlon(row, col) elif self.proj_type == 'POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC': return self._polar_pixel_to_latlon(row, col) else: raise ValueError('Unknown projection type "%s"' % self.proj_type)
[docs] def latlon_to_pixel(self, lat, lon): if self.proj_type == 'EQUIRECTANGULAR': return self._equirect_latlon_to_pixel(lat, lon) elif self.proj_type == 'POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC': return self._polar_latlon_to_pixel(lat, lon) else: raise ValueError('Unknown projection type "%s"' % self.proj_type)
[docs]@register_localizer('ctx') class CtxLocalizer(GeodesicLocalizer): """ A localizer for the CTX instrument (subclass of :py:class:`GeodesicLocalizer`) """ DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_M = 1e-3 """ Sets the default resolution for CTX localization """ BODY = Geodesic(MARS_RADIUS_M, 0.0) # Works better assuming sphere """ Uses a Geodesic model for CTX that assumes Mars is spherical, which seems to work better in practice. """ def __init__(self, metadata): """ :param metadata: "ctx" :py:class:`~pdsc.metadata.PdsMetadata` object """ flipped_na = (180 - metadata.north_azimuth if metadata.usage_note == 'F' else metadata.north_azimuth) super(CtxLocalizer, self).__init__( metadata.lines / 2.0, metadata.samples / 2.0, metadata.center_latitude, metadata.center_longitude, metadata.lines, metadata.samples, metadata.image_height / metadata.lines, metadata.image_width / metadata.samples, flipped_na, -1 )
[docs]@register_localizer('themis_vis') @register_localizer('themis_ir') class ThemisLocalizer(GeodesicLocalizer): """ A localizer for the THEMIS VIS and IR instruments (subclass of :py:class:`GeodesicLocalizer`) """ DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_M = 1e-3 """ Sets the default resolution for THEMIS localization """ def __init__(self, metadata): """ :param metadata: "themis_ir" or "themis_vis" :py:class:`~pdsc.metadata.PdsMetadata` object """ super(ThemisLocalizer, self).__init__( metadata.lines / 2.0, metadata.samples / 2.0, metadata.center_latitude, metadata.center_longitude, metadata.lines, metadata.samples, metadata.pixel_aspect_ratio*metadata.pixel_width, metadata.pixel_width, metadata.north_azimuth, 1 )
[docs]@register_localizer('hirise_edr') class HiRiseLocalizer(GeodesicLocalizer): """ A localizer for the HiRISE EDR observations (subclass of :py:class:`GeodesicLocalizer`) """ DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_M = 1e-6 """ Sets the default resolution for HiRISE EDR localization """ # Each CCD is 2048 pixels across, but they overlap # by 48 pixels. CCD_TABLE = { 'RED0': -9000, 'RED1': -7000, 'RED2': -5000, 'RED3': -3000, 'RED4': -1000, 'RED5': 1000, 'RED6': 3000, 'RED7': 5000, 'RED8': 7000, 'RED9': 9000, 'IR10': -1000, 'IR11': 1000, 'BG12': -1000, 'BG13': 1000, } """ A mapping from HiRISE CCDs to pixel offsets from the center of the observation. Each CCD is 2048 pixels across, but they overlap by 48 pixels. See Figure 2.1.b in the `HiRISE EDR SIS <>`_. """ CHANNEL_OFFSET = { 0: 512, 1: -512, } """ Each HiRISE CCD is split into two channels, each 1024 pixels of the full 2048-pixel CCD. Within a CCD, this dictionary defines a mapping from channel to the offset of the center pixel within that channel. See Figure 2.1.b in the `HiRISE EDR SIS <>`_. """ def __init__(self, metadata): """ :param metadata: "hirise_edr" :py:class:`~pdsc.metadata.PdsMetadata` object """ helper_localizer = GeodesicLocalizer( metadata.lines / 2.0, metadata.samples / 2.0, metadata.center_latitude, metadata.center_longitude, metadata.lines, metadata.samples, metadata.pixel_width, metadata.pixel_width, metadata.north_azimuth, 1 ) edr_center_col = float( self.CCD_TABLE[metadata.ccd_name] + self.CHANNEL_OFFSET[metadata.channel_number] ) / metadata.binning edr_center_lat, edr_center_lon = helper_localizer.pixel_to_latlon( metadata.lines / 2.0, edr_center_col) super(HiRiseLocalizer, self).__init__( metadata.lines / 2.0, metadata.samples / 2.0, edr_center_lat, edr_center_lon, metadata.lines, metadata.samples, metadata.pixel_width, metadata.pixel_width, metadata.north_azimuth, 1 )
[docs]class HiRiseRdrNoMapLocalizer(FourCornerLocalizer): """ A localizer for the HiRISE RDR NOMAP observations (subclass of :py:class:`FourCornerLocalizer`) """ DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_M = 1e-6 """ Sets the default resolution for HiRISE NOMAP localization """ NORMALIZED_PIXEL_SPACE = True """ The HiRISE RDR cumulative index metadata does not contain information about the size of the NOMAP data product. Therefore, we must use a normalized pixel space for these observations. """ def __init__(self, metadata): """ :param metadata: "hirise_rdr" :py:class:`~pdsc.metadata.PdsMetadata` object """ corners = np.array([ [metadata.corner1_latitude, metadata.corner1_longitude], [metadata.corner2_latitude, metadata.corner2_longitude], [metadata.corner3_latitude, metadata.corner3_longitude], [metadata.corner4_latitude, metadata.corner4_longitude], ]) super(HiRiseRdrNoMapLocalizer, self).__init__( corners, 1.0, 1.0, 1 )
[docs]class HiRiseRdrLocalizer(MapLocalizer): """ A localizer for the HiRISE RDR (map-projected) observations (subclass of :py:class:`MapLocalizer`) """ DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_M = 1e-6 """ Sets the default resolution for HiRISE RDR localization, although this attribute is not used for the :py:class:`MapLocalizer` """ def __init__(self, metadata): """ :param metadata: "hirise_rdr" :py:class:`~pdsc.metadata.PdsMetadata` object """ super(HiRiseRdrLocalizer, self).__init__( metadata.map_projection_type, metadata.projection_center_latitude, metadata.projection_center_longitude, metadata.map_scale, metadata.line_projection_offset, metadata.sample_projection_offset, metadata.lines, metadata.samples )
[docs]class HiRiseRdrBrowseLocalizer(HiRiseRdrLocalizer): """ A localizer for the HiRISE RDR (map-projected) "browse" images (subclass of :py:class:`HiRiseRdrLocalizer`) This classifier is included for convenience; it simply scales the pixel coordinates of the browse image to/from those of the full image before/after calling the super-class implementation. """ HIRISE_BROWSE_WIDTH = 2048 """ The default width of HiRISE browse images """ def __init__(self, metadata, browse_width): """ :param metadata: "hirise_rdr" :py:class:`~pdsc.metadata.PdsMetadata` object :param browse_width: the width of the HiRISE browse image (if it varies from the default value) """ super(HiRiseRdrBrowseLocalizer, self).__init__(metadata) self.scale_factor = float(browse_width) / metadata.samples if self.scale_factor <= 0: raise ValueError('Invalid scale factor: %f' % self.scale_factor)
[docs] def pixel_to_latlon(self, row, col): return super(HiRiseRdrBrowseLocalizer, self).pixel_to_latlon( row / self.scale_factor, col / self.scale_factor )
[docs] def latlon_to_pixel(self, lat, lon): pix = super(HiRiseRdrBrowseLocalizer, self).latlon_to_pixel(lat, lon) return pix[0]*self.scale_factor, pix[1]*self.scale_factor
[docs]@register_localizer('hirise_rdr') def hirise_rdr_localizer(metadata, nomap=False, browse=False, browse_width=HiRiseRdrBrowseLocalizer.HIRISE_BROWSE_WIDTH): """ Constructs the appropriate HiRISE RDR localizer for the desired data product type :param metadata: "hirise_rdr" :py:class:`~pdsc.metadata.PdsMetadata` object :param nomap: construct localizer for the NOMAP (non-map-projected) data product :param browse: construct localizer for the BROWSE data product :param browse_width: if ``browse=True``, use this value as the width of the browse image :return: a :py:class:`Localizer` for the appropriate data product """ if nomap: return HiRiseRdrNoMapLocalizer(metadata) else: if browse: return HiRiseRdrBrowseLocalizer(metadata, browse_width) else: return HiRiseRdrLocalizer(metadata)
[docs]@register_localizer('moc') class MocLocalizer(GeodesicLocalizer): """ A localizer for the MOC observations (subclass of :py:class:`GeodesicLocalizer`) """ DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_M = 1e-3 """ Sets the default resolution for MOC localization """ BODY = Geodesic(MARS_RADIUS_M, 0.0) """ Uses a Geodesic model for MOC that assumes Mars is spherical, which seems to work better in practice. """ def __init__(self, metadata): """ :param metadata: "moc" :py:class:`~pdsc.metadata.PdsMetadata` object """ super(MocLocalizer, self).__init__( metadata.lines / 2.0, metadata.samples / 2.0, metadata.center_latitude, metadata.center_longitude, metadata.lines, metadata.samples, metadata.image_height / metadata.lines, metadata.image_width / metadata.samples, metadata.north_azimuth, 1 )
[docs]def get_localizer(metadata, *args, **kwargs): """ Get a localizer for an observation corresponding to the provided metadata :param metadata: a :py:class:`~pdsc.metadata.PdsMetadata` object for an observation :param \*args: additional args provided to the localizer constructor :param \**kwargs: additional kwargs provided to the localizer constructor :return: a :py:class:`Localizer` for the observation .. Note:: The :py:meth:`get_localizer` method determines the appropriate localizer to use for the observation by looking for the class or function that was registered to the instrument using the :py:meth:`register_localizer` decorator. See :ref:`Extending PDSC` for more details. """ if metadata.instrument not in LOCALIZERS: raise IndexError( 'No localizer implemented for %s' % metadata.instrument) return LOCALIZERS[metadata.instrument](metadata, *args, **kwargs)