Source code for pdsc.metadata

This module contains classes for representing and serializing PDS metadata
import json
from datetime import datetime

METADATA_DB_SUFFIX = '_metadata.db'
The suffix used to save metadata SQL database files; the full filename for an
instrument will be the instrument name followed by the suffix

TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
The time format used by PDSC across all instruments

[docs]class PdsMetadata(object): """ Represents PDS metadata associated with an observation. The metadata available to PDSC corresponds to the metadata in the cumulative index files, which is sometimes a subset of what is available in the EDR/RDR headers. """ def __init__(self, instrument, **kwargs): """ :param instrument: PDSC instrument name :param \**kwargs: a dictionary mapping metadata field names to values """ self.instrument = instrument self._kwargs = kwargs self._odict = dict(kwargs) self._odict['instrument'] = instrument for n, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, n, v) def __repr__(self): values = ', '.join([ ('%s=%s' % (n, repr(v))) for n, v in sorted(self._kwargs.items()) ]) return ( 'PdsMetadata(instrument=%s, %s)' % (repr(self.instrument), values) ) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, PdsMetadata): return False return self._odict == other._odict
[docs]class PdsMetadataJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Overrides the :py:class:`json.JSONEncoder` class to provide support for serializing :py:class:`PdsMetadata` objects and date-valued metadata fields """
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, PdsMetadata): return obj._odict elif isinstance(obj, datetime): return { '__datetime__': { '__fmt__': TIME_FORMAT, '__val__': obj.strftime(TIME_FORMAT), } } else: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs]def date_decoder(obj): """ Provides an ``object_hook`` to parse ``datetime`` objects out of JSON, assuming they were encoded using :py:class:`PdsMetadataJsonEncoder` :param obj: JSON object (``dict``) :return: ``obj`` if no date is detected; otherwise, return a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object >>> json_str = ( ... '{ "foo": 5, "bar": { "__datetime__":' ... '{ "__val__": "1985-10-26T01:20:00.000",' ... ' "__fmt__": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"}}}' ... ) >>> import json >>> json.loads(json_str, object_hook=date_decoder) {u'foo': 5, u'bar': datetime.datetime(1985, 10, 26, 1, 20)} """ if '__datetime__' in obj: dt = obj['__datetime__'] return datetime.strptime(dt['__val__'], dt['__fmt__']) else: return obj
[docs]def json_dumps(obj): """ Dumps a Python object to a JSON string, using the :py:class:`PdsMetadataJsonEncoder` to encode objects :param obj: Python object to encode :return: JSON string with encoded object >>> metadata = PdsMetadata('hirise_rdr', rows=100, cols=20) >>> json_dumps(metadata) '{"instrument": "hirise_rdr", "rows": 100, "cols": 20}' """ return json.dumps(obj, cls=PdsMetadataJsonEncoder)
[docs]def json_loads(jstr): """ Loads a list of :py:class:`PdsMetadata` objects from a JSON string; uses the :py:meth:`date_decoder` object hook to parse dates :param jstr: JSON string with list of :py:class:`PdsMetadata` objects :return: list of parsed :py:class:`PdsMetadata` objects >>> json_loads('[{"instrument": "hirise_rdr", "rows": 100, "cols": 20}]') [PdsMetadata(instrument=u'hirise_rdr', cols=20, rows=100)] """ dicts = json.loads(jstr, object_hook=date_decoder) return [PdsMetadata(**d) for d in dicts]