Source code for pdsc.util

Miscellaneous utilities
from progressbar import ProgressBar, ETA, Bar

[docs]def registerer(registration_dict): """ Creates a decorator that will "register" a method or class to a particular instrument. The registration decorators are used to extend PDSC to other instruments. :param registration_dict: a dictionary to which the decorated function will be registered :return: registration decorator that assigns decorated function or class to the ``registration_dict`` keyed by a particular instrument, which is a required decorator argument """ def register_to_instrument(instrument): def decorator(obj): registration_dict[instrument] = obj return obj return decorator return register_to_instrument
[docs]def standard_progress_bar(message, verbose=True): """ Optionally constructs a standard :py:class:`progressbar.ProgressBar` used through PDSC :param message: progress message to display :param verbose: whether to display progress :return: a :py:class:`progressbar.ProgressBar` object if ``verbose=True``, or an identify function that can be used to omit progress """ if verbose: progress = ProgressBar(widgets=[ '%s: ' % message, Bar('='), ' ', ETA() ]) return progress else: return (lambda x: x)